“Queen of Tears” is a new TVN drama written by Park Ji Eun, known for popular dramas like “Crash Landing on You,” “My Love From the Star,” and “Producer.” The series revolves around the romance of Hong Hae In, played by Kim Ji Won, the heiress of Queens Group’s department stores known as the “queen,” and Baek Hyun Woo, portrayed by Kim Soo Hyun. Baek Hyun Woo is the son of the head of Yongduri and is nicknamed the “supermarket prince.”
The story takes an interesting turn three years into their marriage when the couple faces a crisis. Despite the challenges, they embark on a journey to rediscover their love and start anew, resembling a miracle.
Kim Soo Hyun plays the role of Baek Hyun Woo, who is the legal director of Queens Group and also the husband of the department store queen, Hong Hae In. Baek Hyun Woo is depicted as a character with a flawless appearance and high intelligence, having graduated from a prestigious law school. Growing up in an affluent environment, he is both mentally and physically well-endowed. The drama promises to explore the complexities of their relationship and the process of rekindling their love against all odds.
The recently unveiled stills showcase Kim Soo Hyun in his role as Baek Hyun Woo, exuding an air of sophistication in his impeccable suit. With his attire perfectly tailored and hair slicked back, Baek Hyun Woo emanates a luxurious charm that adds to his overall charismatic presence. Whether adorned with a leisurely smile or sporting a more serious expression while engrossed in his work, these images capture the multifaceted nature of the character. The combination of his polished appearance and the nuanced expressions suggests a character who effortlessly balances elegance with a focused determination, further heightening the anticipation for the unfolding storyline in “Queen of Tears.”
Despite the façade of a perfect life, Baek Hyun Woo harbors a hidden secret, one that weighs heavily on him and remains undisclosed to anyone. As he navigates the challenges from his in-laws and grapples with the complexities of balancing his professional and personal life, Baek Hyun Woo finds himself at a crossroads. A crisis unfolds, fundamentally altering the course of his life, prompting viewers to question whether he can overcome the challenges and carve out a path towards a happily married existence.
Kim Soo Hyun, renowned for his ability to convey a rich spectrum of emotions, is set to enthrall audiences once again with his portrayal in this new romance drama. As “Queen of Tears” prepares to make its debut in March, viewers can anticipate being captivated by the unfolding narrative and the emotional depth brought to life by Kim Soo Hyun’s performance. Stay tuned for further updates on this compelling series!